

Your Place To:

Learn and Earn
w/ ZERO Down
Real Estate Investing!

As Seen On:*syed-logos%402x*png?alt=media&token=cc7e6ee4-7b6a-4d3d-9e09-9547d0adde5c

Whether you're just getting started on your path to
or an expert investor already,

YOU are in the right place!

We do things a little differently over here at the REAL TALK INVESTOR ACADEMY, because

We want to see you WIN!

Now before you read on, if you're new to ZERO Down Real Estate Investing, take a quick moment to watch this short video:


Our courses do NOT :

❌ have an elaborate Hollywood production with fancy bells, whistles and cool sound affects

❌ paint "sunshine and rainbow" type scenarios where everything is easy and perfect all the time

❌ sell you an unachievable dream that only a small portion every reach.

You can find plenty of these types of courses all over the web to go waste your money on.

We decided to launch the Real Talk Real Estate Investor Training Academy because

we were sick of all the B.S "gurus" and their crappy courses floating on the web

where the only people that were winning were the ones selling the courses.

That's not how it's supposed to work.

We got tired of seeing people getting taken advantage, wasting their hard earned money on dreams of leaving their 9-5 with hopes of a better life, and never really given any actionable steps to achieving RESULTS to get them there.

We had to do better.

So here's what you can expect from Real Talk Investor Academy courses:

✔️ REAL actionable steps to start finding real estate deals TODAY!

✔️ Realistic path to achieving a 6 figure + income working just a couple hours a day!

✔️ An updated training curriculum for todays market. Not that old, outdated stuff that no longer works!

✔️ All the tools and resources you'll need to put you on a FAST TRACK to SUCCESS such as legal contacts and repair estimate cheat sheets!

✔️ Acess to a private, member only coaching group where you can get your questions answered in real time!

✔️A landing page for you to start advertising your business and collecting hot, off-market leads!

✔️ And most importantly, no-nonsense and no B.S! You've seen enough of that, right?

Here's what a couple of recent clients had to say:*Screenshot_309*png?alt=media&token=2dfe1830-7565-4962-86e3-1809e83b8aa2*Screenshot_306*png?alt=media&token=53cf8009-f7a7-4f80-a12d-e285503a3044

Now listen. We're not saying it's going to be 100% easy as there will be work required along the way.

But if you follow the simple to follow steps as outlined in the courses and stay committed to your goal,


So what are you waiting for?

There's is no better time to get started than RIGHT NOW!


Fill out the short form below and let's get started TODAY!